What is a GMO and why should you care?

Corn with a double helix on a green background

You’ve probably heard of GMOs, and you can be damn sure you eat them at least somewhat regularly as they’re in 80% of the food Americans consume… but what are they and why should you care?

What are GMOs?

GMOs are genetically modified organisms made in abundance by big corporate engines like Monsanto, a company owned by the even bigger Big Pharma corporate engine, Bayer. What they do is take seeds and genetically manipulate them to have certain characteristics and qualities, which include the ability to kill the “pests” that naturally would eat those plants, from rodents and insects all the way to soil enriching worms and microbes. And then… you eat it. Seem suspect? It does to us. The vegetables grown with genetically modified seeds are engineered to kill animals and decimate most life within the soil (thereby decimating the environment). We can’t possibly believe that it won’t cause at least some harm to people.

But wait. There’s more…

And guess what? That’s not all. We haven’t talked about the other “invasive” things that these genetically engineered plants don’t have the ability to eradicate: weeds. Don’t think for a second that Monsanto hasn’t found a way to kill those, too. Don’t forget, we have to kill everything that eats profits. So what do they do? They modify these seeds some more to be what they call “Round Up Ready.” Yes. THAT Round Up. The stuff that’s known to cause non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. What Round Up Ready means is they can douse the whole damn farm in a chemical known to cause cancer. Spraying Round Up around your yard to kill weeds can give you cancer. What do you think eating it will do?

We know what GMOs have done to animals during extensive studies. They’ve cause very malignant tumors, especially in the breast tissue of females. They’ve caused incredibly high estrogen levels in males. They’ve caused major digestive, endocrine, and reproductive issues that we don’t have the space to talk about. But it’s not good. Feel free to read some of the most extensive studies yourself. Further still, there’s at least corollary evidence that’s playing out in the real world. Take Japan. Their Prime Minister just said they’re on the brink of collapse due to record low birthrates. Japan happens to import more GMO corn than any other country in the world. Coincidence? We’re certain there are other factors, but we’d be remiss if we didn’t mention it. 

It’s hard to avoid (and getting harder).

Like we already said, GMOs are in 80% of the food supply. It’s in nearly all packaged and processed foods that are comprised largely of corn, soy, and grains. But… it doesn’t get easier to avoid if you’re eating an animal based diet. Most chickens and pigs are fed corn, soy, and grains that you can bet are riddled with GMOs. Even a fair portion of cows, even if they’re grass fed, are finished on grains and corn. 

And it gets worse…

Most well-intentioned organic farmers are, unfortunately, in close proximity to big GMO farms. That means bees can cross pollinate and cause that organic farmer’s crop to be genetically bastardized. And worse, still, if Monsanto finds out about this cross pollination, they’ll sue the organic farmer for patent infringement, that generally results in one of 2 outcomes: 

  1. The organic farmer goes out of business because he doesn’t have the money to fight a big corporation.
  2. The organic farmer is bullied into forgoing organic farming and becomes another cog in the GMO machine as he agrees to buy GMO seeds going forward.

And worse, still…

Right now, in the US, there is absolutely zero requirement to label a GMO food as a GMO food. So you generally have no way of knowing.

So what’s the solution?

Now that we’ve scared you, what can you do to avoid GMOs going into your mouth? We suggest a few things:

  1. Get to know the source of your food. Make friends with your local butcher and your local farmers. If you don’t know where to find a local farm, look here. Talk to them. Most organic farmers are passionate about this topic because it hits home.
  2. Avoid processed foods. This isn’t the first time we’ve told you this and it won’t be the last, but if you want to avoid GMOs, this is critical.
  3. We believe in an animal based diet, but if you insist on vegetables, go to a farmers’ market, a local grocer, or better yet, grow your own. It’s a lot easier than you think and a small plot can grow far more than you and your family can eat. Better still, you’ll have to grow seasonally and geographically appropriate foods just like your primal predecessors. 
  4. Email our performance experts. They’ll give you free 1 on 1 guided support and help you along this journey.

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