It’s true, there are very unhealthy ways to find it, but this is a very
healthy way to reap its benefits. Getting cold feels amazing. Not the cold
part... but the aftereffects are pretty incredible.
Cold has a drastic anti-inflammatory effect. It’s the same reason that you
put ice on a sprained ankle. That reduction in inflammation system wide is
even better, especially if you have circulation issues or chronic pain. Less
inflammation is also inherently an immune booster.
Getting cold is a workout. Don’t believe it? Try it and see if you can keep
your heart rate down.
Getting cold is difficult. If you can do it regularly, you're practicing
discipline that carries over into other challenging areas in your life.
Getting cold has a circulatory benefit that aids in muscle recovery.
Initially, when you get into the cold plunge, your body panics and sends
additional blood away from your extremities and toward your vital organs for
warmth and protection. When you get out, the super oxygenated blood that’s
been hanging out around your heart and lungs returns to the extremities and
brings oxygen to the muscles. Better muscle recovery also aids in better
sleep. Double win.